Difference between heat exchangers and interchanger
The design of a heat exchanger and an intercharger is very different. Cooling is provided by refrigeration units in chiller systems, while temperature regulation in heat exchangers is achieved by direct fluid heat transfer.
Exchanger Heat
A It is an apparatus used for heat recovery, which means it is used to transfer heat from two fluids. A heat exchanger and a condenser differ by the purpose of the state change of the substance (liquid or vapour).
Heat Interchanger
Using heat Interchanger, whether as an aid to performance or as a solution to a problem, has been custom and practised in the commercial refrigeration industry for many years, often without much consideration for either theoretical or practical concepts. ASTM A106 Pipe And ASME SA106 Pipe Is Main Elements of Heat interchanger. They are used in refrigerant systems in many different ways and for many different reasons. Here we cover the most common uses of these refrigerant heat exchangers. Heat Exchanger Consist Of ASTM A106 Pipe And ASME SA106 Pipe Which Help Heat Exchanger To Work Properly.
Conventional Application
Almost all refrigeration systems will benefit from a heat exchanger, provided it is not undersized so that the suction side pressure drop nullifies the advantages or oversized, on low temperature applications, so that the suction superheat and the discharge temperature is too high. The heat exchanger in this application has two effects: to increase the gas temperature (superheat) as it enters the compressor suction and to increase the liquid subcooling as it enters the expansion valve.
Increasing the suction gas temperature
In order to achieve this rating, refrigeration compressors are rated at suction gas temperatures significantly above freezing point. This heat is extracted from the evaporator to reach this rating. The evaporator is rarely able to meet this requirement in low-temperature applications, so consequently there can easily be a 5% shortfall in the compressor rating and consequently system capacity. The only way that this superheat can be achieved, albeit indirectly, is from a heat interchanger which can be sized to restore and, sometimes, slightly increase the system evaporator capacity. This is achieved by superheating the suction gas and subcooling the refrigerant liquid in an exchange of heat, this sub heating then being usefully employed in the evaporator and fulfilling the requirements stated in the first paragraph.
Classification of heat exchangers
Direct transfer type: The hot and cold fluids are separated by a metal
wall through which heat is transferred from the hot to the cold fluid. For
example, a shell and tube heater.
Storage type: A hot fluid is flowed through a porous solid to heat it,
then a cold fluid is flowed through the hot solid to extract heat. This type of
heat exchanger is not used by the pharmaceutical industry.
Direct contact: In this case, hot and cold fluids are not physically separated, since hot fluid passes through cold fluid. For example, steam bubbles through a cold liquid.
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