Difference between Different Heat Exchanger Systems
A heat exchanger is a device for transferring heat between two fluids, such as liquids, gases, or vapours, of different temperatures. Depending on the type of heat exchanger being used, the heat is transferred from gas to gas, liquid to liquid, or liquid to liquid through a solid separator, which prevents mixing of the fluids or direct fluid contact. Frame and Plate Heat Exchanger Corrugated parallel plates are separated from each other by gaskets that control the alternating flow of hot and cold fluid over the surface of the plates. By tightening bolts, a frame plate and a pressure plate compress gasketed plates together. Two upper bars and a lower guiding bar suspend the gasketed plates and the pressure plate. By removing or adding plates, it is easy to clean and change the capacity of this device. As heat transfers from the warmer to the cooler channel, hot and cold media flow in alternate channels with processed fluids. Heat Exchanger For Shells And Tube A heat ex...